Wednesday, 2 June 2010


I have to apologise for the severe lack of blogging and updates.

This is due to a few reasons: firstly, my home PC has been completely out of action and unfortunately it houses all my pictures for my blogs and I have been unable to retrieve them.
Secondly I am in the process of making a wedding dress alongside 9 bridesmaid dresses for a wedding the beginning of August and for reasons beyond my control, have just been able to measure all the bridesmaids and thirdly, I am super, super busy at work, as we are expanding the business.
With all this going on it has been very difficult to fit anything else in!

In the meantime, whilst waiting for my PC to be fixed,  I have been retaking photo's of things I wanted to share, so I have plenty to blog about.

Just to share a quickie with you.....with the sun deciding to come out in London today, here are some ridiculously nice summer tops I have my eye on getting. Photo's from Net A

Have a lovely evening. X

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