Tuesday 21 December 2010


Hi All,

It's been well over 2 months since my last blog post!!! so I apologise for that. I even missed my own blogging birthday!!!

So much has happened in my personal life that I felt I had to take a break from alot of things to focus and get my head together.

At the moment I am no longer working full time. My boss decided she couldn't handle trying to run two businesses simultaneously and decided, unfortunately to cease the fashion business that I was working with her on.

My first priority on learning this was going to happen was to put my portfolio together and if you have ever had to do this, you know it takes a while to get it to the stage where you are really happy with it. Although I got it done, I didn't want to apply for another job straightaway, but instead I have decided to use the holiday time to rest, plan and organise some things while I have the time to do so. I have included a few pages from my portfolio to share with you.

I am thinking of re introducing Womenswear back into my Etsy shop, but I am looking at the best way to do it. I didn't relist the items when the listings expired, as I felt the items were a little Summer in style and fabric and due to making the bridesmaid dresses, was unable to make any new styles to add in. Womenswear has always been the thing that I like to make best and I guess I find it really easy because it is the thing I also do in my full time job.
I also have been getting alot of comments from friends and random strangers lately on the vintage dresses I have been wearing out to various functions, so another idea is to perhaps introduce a vintage element into my Etsy shop also or even as another side line - I 'm not entirely sure. See, this is what happens when you come out of working fulltime, you suddenly see things differently and you seem to have lots of ideas springing into your head!

Will keep you posted on everything.

Have a great evening. X